112 mountainyam x JAMES LEE
112 mountainyam x 《李丞責》
這款白色棉質T恤是112 mountainyam x 李丞責博士的別注系列。是次合作旨在將兩個具有相似理念和價值觀的品牌聯繫起來,宣揚中國傳統五行的精神。李丞責博士除了擁有豐富玄學經驗,他更是資深的時尚達人,為這次系列帶來獨特而別緻的設計細節,以金,木,水,火,土注入了玄學能量、以五行打破了傳統克版創作的規則。系列T shirt 選用運動物料,並且可以雙面穿着。
Dr. James Lee at the age of nineteen, has the reputation of being the youngest Fengshui master in the world, and has become a famous Hong Kong metaphysical Fengshui expert.
This white cotton T shirt is one of the special series of 112 mountainyam x James Lee. This cooperation aims to connect two brands with similar concepts and values, abs promote the spirit of the traditional Chinese five elements to bring more beauty to people. James Lee is also a fashionista, he brings unique and chic design details to the collection, injecting metaphysical energy with gold, wood, water, fire and earth. The collection selected sporty material and the T shirts are reversible.